Membership for 2024

St Andrews Angling Club welcomes new members for the 2025 season.

The Membership is open to all based on the following categories on the terms they have an interest in the furtherance of the objects, and agree to be governed by the byelaws of the Club and who have paid in full (or by agreed instalments) the necessary annual subscription/membership fees, a temporary day member

  • Ordinary membership is available to any individual person over the age of 18 years who can demonstrate an understanding of fly-fishing and who wishes to actively participate in the activities of the Club. These members shall be eligible to a full vote at all members’ meetings and may stand to be elected a committee member of the club.
  • Youth membership shall be available to any individual aged between 12 and 18 years who is willing to abide by the rules of the Club. These members shall have the right to attend the members meetings but have no vote.
  • Associate membership shall be available to all who wish to assist in the furtherance of the objects but are no longer eligible for full membership for reasons of physical disability, changes in geographic location or circumstances.   This will generally, but not exclusively, be available to those who have been a member of good standing for a minimum of 36 months. These members have no vote.
  • Honorary membership shall be awarded in recognition of excellent commitment to the club following nomination from the membership. Honorary members may vote at meetings, but do not have an automatic right to attend Board meetings. This status is relinquished should an Honorary Member leave the Club.
  • Adult membership is £295 for unlimited number of sessions with a bag limit of 10 fish per week.
  • Junior memberships (18 and under) is by negotiation dependant on circumstances
  • Members visitors – £30 per rod

Contact the Club secretary about membership
